Monday, July 25, 2011


       I've been Pierced by the Word of Life and it's transformed me! I chose the name Pierced for our blog, yes because of our last name, but also because of a sermon I heard in college. The pastor was talking about the Word of God - Jesus. He challenged the listeners to not allow the word to merely prick their hearts, but to allow their hearts to be Pierced with Jesus's truth. That Christ's Word would not simply brush up against our lives, but that it would transform us. I carry this challenge with me over 10 years after having heard it. Our family is walking into a season where we have to cling to His Word as we have been called to make radical decision for Him!
       In just over two weeks, we will begin making our way towards New York City. My husband will begin grad school. He'll be working towards a Masters in Public Affairs with an emphasis on international development. The program is two years long. We will spend the first year in NY and the second year is in Sao Paulo Brazil. He will get a masters from both the US and Brazil. I am so proud of Aaron in this new endeavor. The decision of going to school and especially where to go to school was a VERY difficult one. Aaron did such an amazing job at considering everything ahead while still maintaining his role as a husband and daddy. God so clearly directed us to go to Columbia. The transition will be huge! But a great opportunity. Our family is so fortunate to pursue this adventure together. We are eager to see what the Lord has.
       I hope his blog can be a means of keeping in touch with so many loved ones we will live far from. I look forward to sharing stories of our journey and funny tales of the Pierce boys (they are never ending!) I also hope that it will be a testimony of God's faithfulness that when we allow ourselves to be Pierced, we find true joy and purpose.
      Thanks for accompanying the adventures in "Pierceland"!!!
Not the best picture of the boys - but we'll take what we can get at their ages :)


  1. I will miss the Pierces, greatly! BUT I am so glad that you guys are being so obedient to Our Lord. I am thankful to be able to keep up with you guys. I love "hearing" Austin's cute comments.


  2. Glad to have found your blog, Joyce! I'm thrilled to hear of God's faithfulness to your family. Now to be able to catch the details... yea! I often am sorry for not doing a better job of staying in touch. I've always been encouraged by your faith, though it be from a distance. My prayer for you all is that you'd see God's blessings in all the small details of life and remember Him in all things. And, Aaron...may God equip you for this good work!

    With love, Leslie
